Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thank you

Thank you Sister for your visit. i have not seen my sister for many years, she was not able to come to see me but today you did.

Sr. Victoria

Rev.Sr. Vitoria and Sr. Sahaya listen to the inmates

God's Blessings

wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year 2010.
May God help you to go home soon.

wishing one another

it's a great time of wishing one another

it's fun time

Santa invites a prisoner to dance with him
had good time

Happy New 2010

Fr. Joe wishes the Superintendent Mr. Vijaya kumar
A Happy New Year 2010 and God's Blessings.


the Indian Santa arrived on foot to say Merry Christmas to all

Here comes Santa

Here comes Santa to greet all

Fifth Group

The Fifth Group members
who visit once in two months

Fourth Group

Fourth group members.

Third Group

these are the few volunteers who visit on the third Sundays

Group Two

The second group volunteers who visit and minister to the prisoners on the second Sundays of the month

Group one

These are the few volunteers who visit on the first Sundays of every month


the children from Jeevadhara Home entertain all


Fr. Joe Sellas the Director of Prison ministry thanks all
especially all those behind the scenes who support this special ministry to fulfil the Gospel mandate expressed in
Mathew 25:36 " i was in Prison and you came to me "

Sr. Caroline JMJ

All the women Prisoners in kadapa Central prison are given a special Christmas gift by Sr.Caroline JMJ

Sr.Catherine Mesa

Sr. Catherine Mesa gives two pairs of New dresses
the child is asleep, so the Mom receives the gift.

little Girl

this little Girl is very happy to get two new dresses


the Mom receives two sets of new dresses

Inmates too

A song by inmates to show their appreciation & love towards all who make their life little better.

Group Song

Group Song by J M J School Girls.
they did a fine job

All of us

All of us are one is the theme of mono-action by Siva Prasad

The Superintendent

Mr. P. Vijaya Kumar the Superintendent of kadapa Prison
thanks Fr.Joe Sellas and all his Volunteers for their time & energy
and Sunday visits, Family visits, Education helps and arranging for other Social and recreational activities for the renewal and reformation of the prisoners.


Student Harinath delivers a solo

Fr. Samson

Christmas message by Rev. Dr.Samson the chancellor of kadapa Catholic Diocese


Rejoice the saviour is born


Truly it's inspiring indeed
to know the story of Christmas

Here it is

Here it is : Christ is born for us
Surrounded by Angels and the shepherds
Nativity scene

Christmas Story

Christmas play by J M J School Children
begins with Holy Trinity to save the sinful world

Sr. Esther J M J

Sr. Esther J M J intoduces the Christmas Story


J M J School kids bring smiles with their jokes
Thanks to the teachers and the Sisters who trained them

little Stars

the little ones too enjoy along with their Moms

Friday, December 18, 2009

Fr. Andrew

One among the audience Fr. Andrew enjoying the programmes

Mr. Prasad

Mimicry by Mr. Prasad of Don Bosco Institute
every one had hearty laughs & smiles at his jokes.

Colorful Dance

the Children of J M J School displayed a colorful dance on the joyous occasion of Christmas celebrations with in their walls.

Singer Anand

A melodious Christmas Song by Anand of Cathedral Parish


Mary & Agnes the children of the Volunteers of the third group
entertain all with their dance, as the inmates look on,
behind the huge walls

Annual Report

Mr. Jojaiah reads out our annual report of all our activities during the past one year December 2008 through 2009.
listing out all the Family visits
Education of their Children
All the celebrations with in the prisons
Education and other recreational activities.


we are happy to have this wonderful time

Vimala Convent

The children of Vimala Convent dance
as many of the inmates smile

Sr.Cathrine Mesa

Welcome address by Sr. Catherine Mesa CSA
the Superior General of Arogya Matha Sisters
as Mr. Alphonse looks on


One of our group leaders Mr. Ramakrisha Reddy from St. John's Parish of Masapet welcomes Fr. Joe

Sr.Vinitha CJS

One of our group leaders Sr. Vinitha CJS welcomes
Fr.B. Samson with Flowers.

Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy

Mr. Ramakrishna reddy welcomes
the Superintendent Mr. P. Vijaya Kumar

On the stage

Mr. P. Vijaya Kumar the Superintendent
Rev. Fr. B. Samson the Chancellor
Rev. Fr. Joe Sellas are on the stage


All are ready for celebrations


Priyanka welcomes Prison Officials, Guests,Volunteers and all the inmates of kadapa Central Prison for Christmas Celebrations

Sr. Saritha CSA

Sr. Saritha CSA invokes God's blessings on All

Our Ministry Team

Thanks to Fr. Francis O. De. M
Sr. Rose Mary Msi & Sr. Lucia Msi
Sr. Catherine Mesa CSA & Sr. Suneetha CJS
Sr. Amala CSA & Sr. Vinitha CJS
along with Fr. Joe Sellas